Carol Shea-Porter

Trump And Ryan Set Out To Make War On The Poor-- Take Wisconsin, For Example

This morning Carol Shea-Porter hosted a roundtable discussion at the Strafford Nutrition Program in Somersworth to highlight what her office called "the devastating harm President Trump’s budget blueprint proposal would cause to New Hampshire communities that rely on programs like Meals on Wheels." Despite Mick Mulvaney's lies on Meet the Press yesterday-- namely that the feds' cut to Meals on Wheels only amounts to 3% of their budget-- the truth is that 35% of Meals On Wheels funding comes from the federal government and the proposed cuts in the Trump budget would be catastrophic.

Bernie Never Wanted A Cult Of Personality

It's easy to look at Republicans, especially Trumpists, and their information sources-- Fox, Hate Talk Radio, Breitbart...-- and dismiss them as ignorant morons incapable of abstract thought. Remember, abstract thought doesn't come easy to folks with IQs of less than 100-- and half the population, by definition, has 2-digit IQs. If you want to be honest, though, not everyone lacing the ability for critical thinking is a Trumpist...

McCain And Toomey Are Running On A Platform Of Dysfunctional Obstruction Against The American People

Chuck Schumer and Jon Tester have recruited some really dreadful hacks to run for the Senate this cycle. In fact, their interference could cost the Democrats dearly. They worked to sabotage solid candidates like Alan Grayson (FL), Joe Sestak and John Fetterman (PA), Rob Hogg (IA) and PG Sittenfeld (OH) so they could please Wall Street with bankster-friendly candidates Patrick Murphy, Katie McGinty, Patty Judge and Ted Strickland.

The Blue America Trucks Started Rolling Today

Today at 10 AM our first mobile billboard truck rolled down the road; well actually last night it drove into NH-01 so I guess that counts too. I mean, people saw it as the driver made his way to Nashua. We have four of them starting this week, spread out around the country. And the one we deployed for Carol Shea-Porter officially started in Nashua, New Hampshire this morning.

Pelosi's DCCC-- Still Recruiting And Supporting ConservaDems, Not Progressives

Peter King has over $3 million cash on hand but racist Blue Dog Steve Israel has made sure the DCCC refuses to help DuWayne Gregory in a very winnable districtLate last week investigative journalists Lee Fang and Zaid Jilani went through a leaked DCCC memo compiled for chairman Ben Ray Luján that includes Wall Street lobbyists being reassured that Elizabeth Warren doesn't speak f