
Medical Marijuana Shows Promise for Treating Depression

Depression currently affects almost 15 million people in the US every year. Similar numbers can be found in Europe. Depression and anxiety disorders cost us approximately $42 billion annually, comprising a whopping third of the mental health bill of the country. Is it possible that simple cannabinoids in medical marijuana can help treat this debilitating and costly mental health condition? [1]

‘Worst Drug Trial in Country’s History’ Hits France – Here is What Happened

Portuguese pharmaceutical company Bial has been trying to get approval for a synthetic ‘cannabinoid-based’ medication to treat anxiety. Unfortunately for Bial, it seems that things apparently went very wrong.
Bial’s trial is receiving mainstream media attention, perpetuating a myth that cannabis is dangerous, but there are still huge questions about what actually happened. The molecule used in the drug trial wasn’t even from a natural cannabis plant.

3-Year-Old Given 8% Chance to Live Overcomes Cancer with Cannabis

Landon Riddle of Colorado is only 3 years old, but he is the center of a hotly contested debate regarding medical marijuana. He was recently given only a few weeks to live after reacting very badly to chemotherapy, but once his mother began to administer medical marijuana, even the chemo became unnecessary. The problem is that Landon didn’t live in a state where medical marijuana is legal to administer.

New Jersey School First in Nation to Allow Medical Marijuana

A school nurse at one school in Vermont has refused to give a young girl CBD oil (even though it isn’t made from cannabis, but rather hemp) for her recurring seizures, but not everyone is being deprived of this medicine. Recently, another 17-year old has won a legal battle in New Jersey to consume cannabis oil during her school lunch period.

Marijuana Compound Superior to Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease

Adding to the list of numerous diseases that medical marijuana has already helped to heal – cancer, rare muscular diseases, arthritis, seizures, and more - compounds in the plant have also been shown to positively impact Alzheimer’s disease. This is important because the degenerative disease affects more than 5 million Americans.