Cambridge Analytica

Facebook Privacy Scandal: South Park Tried to Warn Us, but We Didn’t Listen

(ANTIMEDIA) — Facebook is bleeding users and credibility as it continues to face scrutiny for its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which dominated headlines last week. One major point of contention is Facebook’s acquisition of users’ contact lists. I’ve just looked at the data files I requested from Facebook and they had every single phone […]

Users Discover ‘Horrifying’ Truth About Facebook as Feds Launch Probe

(CD) — As the fallout from Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal continued on Monday with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) announcement that it is conducting a long-overdue probe into the tech giant’s privacy practices, many Facebook users are only now discovering the astonishing and in some cases downright “creepy” reach of the platform’s data-mining operations, which form the foundation of its business model. […]

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal Could Provide Hard Evidence of “Israeli” Meddling in Trump Election

With the US Federal Trade Commission set to broke Facebook’s role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal and with Mark Zuckerberg facing calls to testify before the British Parliament, it would seem that as the elites begin fighting among themselves, the truth of their appalling treatment of the ordinary people across the world will become increasingly apparent.

How to See the Apps Tracking You on Facebook — and Block Them

(ANTIMEDIA) —  Following a lengthy silence in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where it was revealed that a data firm was able to obtain personal information from over 50 million Facebook accounts, company CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally spoke out on Wednesday. “We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you,” Zuckerberg […]

Fake news creates real reactions? If so, we are in worse shape than ever.

For the last week, the news headlines have been full of a new “scandal” regarding data mining and targeted ad campaigning based on that data. The parties involved were the Social Media giant Facebook and a group called Cambridge Analytica, a firm that built profiles of about fifty million Facebook users and used them for target political advertising.

Political Whores Work Hard For The Money-- But Breaking The Law Is Still Breaking The Law-- The Story Of Cambridge Analytica

It was lonely when we started writing about Cambridge Analytica and the Mercers. It was before they had connected-- perhaps "taken over" is a better way to put it-- the chaotic, unfocussed Trumpy-The-Clown campaign. I was about to be the co-honoree of a dinner by a university back east.

Facebook Scandal Blows Away ‘Russiagate’

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Startegic Culture Foundation | 23.03.2018 Now, at last, a real “election influence” scandal – and, laughably, it’s got nothing to do with Russia. The protagonists are none other than the “all-American” US social media giant Facebook and a British data consultancy firm with the academic-sounding name Cambridge Analytica. Facebook’s chief executive […]

Face it: Cambridge Analytica story proves Facebook doesn’t give a toss about privacy or democracy

By Danielle Ryan | RT | March 20, 2018 Mainstream media have obsessed over Russia’s alleged use of Facebook to swing the 2016 US election. In reality, it was actually a shady British data-mining firm that was running pro-Trump Facebook propaganda campaigns Irony doesn’t feel like strong enough a word. Which is worse: Russia allegedly […]