
Let’s Abolish Those Presidential Medals of Freedom

Mises Institute, January 19, 2021 Let’s Abolish Those Presidential Medals of Freedom Tags U.S. History 1 min agoJames Bovard The Washington Post is outraged that Donald Trump has sullied one of Washington’s most hallowed honors—Presidential Medals of Freedom. After the White House announced plans to bestow the medals on two Republican members of Congress and […]

Gallup: Trump Globally the Least Respected U.S. President This Century

Eric Zuesse On January 15th, the Gallup World Poll issued its preliminary report for their upcoming “Rating World Leaders: 2021” report. It shows the results that have been tabulated for 60 of the 135 countries where they annually sample global public opinion about U.S. leadership. One especially clear finding from it is that when their […]

Extremism as a Ticket to Tyrannize

“Extremism” as a Ticket to Tyrannize by James Bovard “Extremists” are one of the famous bogeymen that American politicians invoke to sanctify their own power. But the definition of “extremism” has forever been in flux. The only consistent element in definitions of extremism is that politicians always win. In the 1770s, people who suggested that […]
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Biden mixes up Trump with George W. Bush, in latest gaffe

*****News Topic 117***** Trump slams Biden after he ‘couldn’t remember’ his name and mistakes president for GEORGE BUSH. Trump mocks Joe Biden after he mistakes president for Georgw Bush DONALD Trump has mocked Joe Biden after he “couldn’t remember” his name and mistook the president for George Bush. The 77-year-old was speaking to supporters at […]

War on Terror: Still a Sham After 19 Years

Nineteen years after the 9/11 attacks, the War on Terror is still the biggest sham of this century. President George W. Bush promised to “rid the world of evil” and instead unleashed war and carnage.  American troops are now fighting in 14 nations as part of an endless crusade against “extremists.” President Obama provided massive […]
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