
Canadian national broadcaster and professor ask if British Columbia should change its name

As a sign of the times of cultural Marxism run amok, and on the public dime, no less, from the November 20, 2014 article on Canada’s national broadcaster, the CBC, they had the audacity to ask whether Canada’s third most populous province, British Columbia, should change its name, in part due to changing demographics. “Have […]

Ontario’s public broadcaster, TVO, bows to popular demand for interview with Ontario Libertarian Party Leader, Allen Small

Despite telling me they had no intention of interviewing any of the other parties besides the three main parties (Liberal, PC and NDP) and the Greens, Ontario’s public broadcaster, TVO, bowed to popular demand and had an online interview with Ontario Libertarian Party leader, Allen Small. They also likely interviewed him due to the privately-owned […]

Canada’s public broadcaster,, blocked my comment on Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling on Jewish racism in Israel

This has now happened three times, with moderators at blocking my fact-based comments about Israel. First, in pointing out the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s comment about Gentiles existing to serve Jews, on an article about his passing. In that case, I actually provided a link to my sources, whereas someone else’s comment without a […]