Brett Kavanaugh

A Primer On Media Gaslighting (1), The Mainstream – Part 1

If you are not familiar with gaslighting, it is a well-known phenomenon, and one that has become even more well known since Donald Trump became a serious contender for the American Presidency.
Gaslighting is something that can happen at the personal level as much as the national, and indeed the original reference – from fiction – was to a man who attempted to drive his wife mad. Here we will discuss gaslighting by the mainstream media in the so-called Free World with particular reference to the United States and the current administration.

The Ochelli Effect – COG Protect COG Gold Corona Virus

From Tuesdays rock on The Ochelli Effect. Mike Swanson was on in the first hour to cover many points of interest. Included in the conversation was everything from the Corona Virus fear porn, to how gold, silver, and politics seems to be trending at this time. Swanson is always insightful. We also discussed where […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 165 Patrick Knowlton on Vince Foster and Brett Kavanaugh

This week Patrick Knowlton joined me to talk about his decades long fight to expose the truth behind the murder of Vince Foster. Patrick talked about what happened on the night of of July 20th 1993 when he stopped to use the bathroom in Fort Marcy Park. Patrick discussed what he saw that night. Patrick talked about his treatment by the FBI and what would became the Fiske Report. Patrick explained how his statements were distorted. Later Patrick talked about his interactions with journalist Ambrose Evans Pritchard.

The Dangerous and Irrational attack on Brett Kavanaugh

Barely a month has passed since the conclusion of the Senate hearings on Brett Kavanaugh yet the event is already beginning to fade from public memory. What was obviously set up to be a partisan Democratic attack on Justice Kavanaugh quickly descended into an attack on Reason and that should never be forgotten if one cares about the future of the American republic.
Here is why…
The origins of Western thought in Ancient Greece that heralded the Age of Rationality began with Socrates who used epistemic self-doubt as a way towards finding answers.