Brent Budowsky

Is Hillary Really The Lesser Of Two Evils? Absolutely

The video above is an example of how the Democratic Establishment is going to try to shove their corrupt, hawkish Wall Street puppet down the electorate's throat (if they can get around Bernie). Forget about how awful Hillary is-- forget there is no case for her other than the symbolic case that she's a woman-- and just focus on what an incompetent, ignorant doofus Trump us. And he is. He's worse than her. Worse than her in every way. There's isn't a single way he's better than her, as terrible as she is.What does that say about our system? Republican Beltway hack A.B.

Ignore The Corporate Media Hype-- Bernie Is Winning... And In More Ways Than One

Conventional wisdom, which is getting a really bad name, predicted that Hillary would easily beat Bernie in Wisconsin (and he might as well quit the race, a notion constantly harped on by the establishment media, especially NBC). They cited an Emerson poll conducted March 20-22 of likely Democratic primary voters. That poll had Hillary up over Bernie 50 to 44%.

Hillary Might Be Better Off Next Nov. If She Doesn't Allow EMILY's List To Offend Bernie's Supporters With Their Ugly, Aggressive Lies

Dream ticketAside from the lesser of two evils approach she will eventually win or lose the general election on, Hillary's most salient appeal is that it's time-- past time-- for a woman. But she shouldn't use that argument up in the primary. Attacking Bernie as somehow sexist is really stupid.