
How Many More GOP Seats Did Trump Lose With His Vile Tweet About Andy McCabe?

Neither my old friend Cynthia in L.A. nor my even older friend Helen in Westchester is a rambunctious kid, at least not any more. Helen is pushing 70 and Cynthia passed that goal post some time ago. Every day, Cynthia says things about Señor Trumpanzee that I hope and pray the Secret Service isn't hearing. And Helen... she hates Trump even more than Cynthia does.

The Real-Life House of Cards: Insider Deals, Murder & Espionage- The Clintons, Seth Rich & Awans!’

Follow the saga of the Clintons in this unique time line, starting with the race for the White House with all of the major scandals leading up to the present day, including Russia Gate, Seth Rich, the Awan Brothers, and much more - only available at
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Regime Change Comes Home: The CIA’s Overt Threats against Trump

A march toward an elite coup, involving elements of the militarist empire and ‘in`telligence’ hierarchy!
The norms of US capitalist democracy include the election of presidential candidates through competitive elections, unimpeded by force and violence by the permanent institutions of the state. Voter manipulation has occurred during the recent elections, as in the case of the John F. Kennedy victory in 1960 and the George W. Bush victory over ‘Al’ Gore in 2000.

The CIA Wouldn't Try To Undermine Mark Udall's Reelection... Would They?

In 2006, Blue America backed Tom Udall, a congressman from New Mexico when he ran for the Senate. He was an excellent congressman and he's been a good, solid, progressive senator. We didn't back his less progressive cousin, Mark Udall, a congressman from Colorado running the same year, also for the Senate. We weren't against him and we hoped he'd been right-wing extremist Bob Schaffer-- which he did, 1,230,994 (53%) to 990,755 (42%). 3 weeks from today, both are up for reelection. Tom doesn't have much of a contest against Republican Allen Weh. It's unlikely Weh will even crack 40%.

Why Hasn't Obama Fired John Brennan Yet?

We've been going through Michael Gurnow's book, The Edward Snowden Affair and finding some pretty awful facts about domestic spying. Basically, Cheney put a system in place they allowed for no privacy from government snooping for anyone for any reason at any time. Neither Bush nor Obama was completely comfortable with it-- but comfortable enough to leave it in place.Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, for example, accounted for 98% of PRISM data intake.