Brazil Protest 2021

Hunger, Poverty, Malnutrition Have Increased In Brazil: Lula

During a meeting with the French President Emmanuel Macron held in Paris on Wednesday, Brazil’s former President Lula da Silva denounced that malnutrition, hunger, and poverty have increased in Brazil since rightist Jair Bolsonaro came to power in January 2019. “A few weeks ago, Bolsonaro was ignored because the French president refused to receive him at the government headquarters. Today, Lula[Read More...]

People above Profit: Thousands Demonstrate in Brazil in New Wave of Protests in 350 Cities

In Brazil, social movements, trade unions, and human rights activists on Saturday demonstrated in at least 350 cities to condemn the recent corruption scandal linking President Jair Bolsonaro with the purchase at inflated prices of Indian-produced Covaxin COVID-19 vaccines. The protests supported the impeachment petition submitted by unions, left political parties and social organizations to the Lower House on Wednesday.