Brave New World

Brave New World Prediction by Aldous Huxley

source Aldous Huxley’s brilliant mind foresaw the “Great Reset” in his 1933 book, “Brave New World“, and warned the world in a 1958 interview by Mike Wallace , (the father of Fox’s Chris Wallace).  Aldous Huxley’s book imagined a totalitarian world order with a panopticon prison without walls.  The citizens are controlled using the drug […]

The New Normal: “Covert Moral Enhancement” for “coronavirus defectors”

We’ve already been told that “defectors” are more likely to be narcissists or psychopaths, and seen them subject to police brutality with total impunity. New Zealand are setting up “quarantine centres” where you will have to stay “indefinitely” if you refuse a to be tested. And now those who refuse to comply may be subject to covert medication to render them more malleable to the “public good”.

The Post-Human World

What is tr@nshumanism? How do we understand the push for a post-industrial world? In this video I outline the meaning of terms, who invented them, what circles they were part of and how to understand their writings in terms of future projections. We cover Charles Galton Darwin, Bernays, the Huxleys and more. Please be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe.

Philosophy of Globalism – Julian Huxley, UNESCO & The Final Revolution (Half)

We move on in the globalism books series to cover another Huxley, Julian, the father of the term “transhumanism,” who outlines the open philosophy of globalism in his famous essay “UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy.” In Part 2 we will cover the first half of his book On Living in a Revolution and compare it to the subject we often cover known as the “final revolution.”