boston marathon

Spy, or pay up: FBI-backed bill would fine US firms for refusing wiretaps

RT | April 29, 2013

A US government task force is drafting FBI-backed legislation that would penalize companies like Google and Facebook for refusing to comply with wiretap orders, media report.
In the new legislation being drafted by US law enforcement officials, refusal to cooperate with the FBI could cost a tech company tens of thousands of dollars in fines, the Washington Post quoted anonymous sources as saying.

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 28th, 2013

Yes, it is Sunday, and first I want to let everyone know that I am feeling much better today.... Better than I have for the last two weeks.... I have been suffering from a head cold, migraine headaches, body chills, etc... Many of the symptoms of Influenza but without the extra great things that come along with having the Flu itself.... I have noticed that many people have had much the same illness that I have had, and it does make me wonder....

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Proof Positive It Was (Badly) Staged.... Where The Heck Were The Emergency Crews And Ambulances?

This Boston Marathon "bombing" truly stinks to high heaven... There, I have said it.... The more and more we look closely at this "bombing" the more we find even more evidence that it was a preplanned training exercise that was turned into a fraudulent "terrorist bombing" by both the criminals in our media and our own governments.....One thing that we always see in real accidents, shootings, and "bombings" is the rapid response by emergency crews who quickly converge on the scene with fire trucks, emergency medical personnel, and of course... Ambulances..... Newsletter | April 26, 2013 Newsletter | April 26, 2013

  • Top News
  • Opinion and analysis

This week’s top news:
US: Syria Likely Used Chemical Weapons on ‘Small Scale’: After claims from an Israeli military source, the US now says there is intelligence suggesting with "varying degrees of confidence" chemical weapons were used on a small scale in Syria, crossing Obama’s "red line."

Aiding Dzhokhar’s Syrian Comrades

Even as the nation recovers from the shock of the Boston Marathon bombing, the US government is under pressure to intervene in Syria on behalf of the Tsarnaev brothers’ jihadist compatriots. The drumbeat for intervention in Syria has been going on for many months, with the same neoconservatives who authored the Iraq war joining with [...]

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: IAEA Says Fukushima Nuclear Plant Cleanup May Take More Than 40 Years!

I have watched over the last two weeks the constant barrage of reports and stories everywhere about the Boston Marathon operation (Yes that is an operation!), and it does seem that news elsewhere in the world has been badly overlooked.... We have seen the bombing at Boston and worries about fraudulent "terrorist" attacks, and the world has continued to badly overlook the still dangerous and deadly situation with the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima Japan...I came across the following article that I definitely want to share with my own readers...

Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: Proof That "Craft" Security Firm Did The Bombing?

I received an email from a friend just a few hours ago that contained an important video that I find very intriguing, and may show proof positive that the two brothers that were fingered (wrongly) for the Boston Marathon bombing are indeed innocent and have been set up as the patsies to take the fall for this clear false flag operation!I want to share this important video with all of my readers right here for their viewing.... Please watch this video closely, and feel free to send me any comments in the comment section below...