Border Collapse

Beware The 80,000 Terrorists Biden Let In Simultaneously Conducting Military Ops In America – The Coming ‘New World Order’ Will Be Islamic And Sharia Law The New ‘Law Of The Land’

by Scott S. Powell, All News Pipeline: – Birth Rates Of Illegal Immigrants Are 54% Higher Than Birth Rates In Their Host Countries America in the twenty-first century has been on an accelerating descent not unlike what befell ancient Rome. For some four centuries Rome’s Senate and constitution provided continuity which sustained the Roman Republic […]

The Biden Regime Plans to Import 65,000 Additional Foreign Workers to Put Downward Pressure on Working Class American Wages

by Jose Nino, Big League Politics: The Biden regime has plans of importing roughly 65,000 H-2B foreign visa workers. Such an immigration influx will result in migrants taking blue-collar jobs from working class Americans. This comes at a time when millions of Americans are largely not participating in the workforce. Late on November 3, 2023, […]

BREAKING: Stacey Abrams’ Brother-In-Law Arrested For Human Trafficking

by Chris Powell, Trending Politics News: Jimmie Gardner, the brother-in-law of prominent Democratic figure and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, has been arrested on serious charges of human trafficking and attacking a teenager. Gardner, who has a controversial past including a previous conviction for sexual assault that was later overturned, was apprehended by Tampa […]

Illegal Border Crossers Caught With Explosives ‘Tailor-made For Terrorism’ – FBI Director Finally Admits To ‘Elevated Terrorism Threat’ By Jihadists In America

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: While watching events unfold in the Middle East marching towards a crescendo, we see the same “war” here in the states between Hamas supporters and Israel supporters, and it too is marching towards the same battle that is being fought in the Middle East. While some may claim a […]

Terrorist Watchlist Encounters At U.S. Border Are Up Over 7000 PERCENT Under Biden

by Steve Watson, Summit News: 1,260 potential terrorists have just wandered into the country and disappeared U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enforcement statistics have shown that encounters with suspected terrorists at the Southern border are up more than seven thousand percent under the Biden Administration. The stats show that the fiscal year 2023 broke the […]

Pundits are wailing about intelligence failures that led to the terrorist slaughter perpetrated by Hamas

Pundits are wailing about intelligence failures that led to the terrorist slaughter perpetrated by Hamas against children and woman. Yet not one liberal apologist has considered that an equivalent silent army is surely walking across Biden’s non-existent border every day. — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) October 9, 2023