Border Adjustment Tax

Unless A Supine GOP Stops Him, Trump Will Do To America What Brownback Did To Kansas

You know how states are supposed to be petri dishes for new ideas? Long before the federal government was looking into protecting consumers from predatory mortgage banksters, Assemblyman (and then state Senator) Ted Lieu was hammering out and passing controversial legislation that did just that in California.

Don't Forget-- The T Stands For Tax... Oops, I Thought It Stood For Trump

The National Retail Federation is the world's largest retail trade association and includes department stores, specialty, discount, catalog, Internet, and independent retailers, chain restaurants, and grocery stores. Members also include businesses that provide goods and services to retailers, such as vendors and technology providers. The Federation represents an industry that contains over 1.6 million U.S. retail establishments with more than 24 million employees and (2005) sales of $4.4 trillion.