
“Diet” Artificial Sweeteners may Actually Expand Your Waistline

In a new analysis of studies involving more than 406,000 patients, researchers found that people who substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar – even the natural kinds – actually gained weight, instead of losing it. [1]
Published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the study looked at the long-term effects of artificial sweeteners on heart health, weight, stroke incidence, and blood pressure levels.
The researchers wrote:

Avocados Could be Key in Avoiding Metabolic Syndrome, Numerous Ailments

Did you know that in past studies, avocado-eaters have been shown to be healthier than non-eaters? Chowing down on the fruit (yes, avocados are technically berries!) is associated with a lower body weight, a lower body mass index (BMI), a lower intake of added sugars, higher nutrient levels, and a better-quality diet overall. It makes perfect sense, then, that a new review of medical literature shows that eating avocados may help you avoid metabolic syndrome.

Replace Junk Food Snacks with This FATTY Snack to Lose Weight?

The simple decision to toss back a handful of peanuts a few times a week in place of other junk food snacks could go a long way to help people fight the battle of the bulge and could prevent childhood obesity, researchers say.
Peanuts are packed with vitamins and nutrients that make the tiny legumes one of the healthiest foods around. Look at the nutritional punch you get from just a 1/4 cup:

Obesity and Liver Cancer Link Now Supported by New WHO Study

People who have a high body mass index (BMI), excess weight circumference, and Type 2 diabetes have a greater risk of developing liver cancer, a large new study finds. [1]
One expert in the United Kingdom (U.K.) is even calling for a shift in attitude so that obesity is seen as a red flag for having an increased risk of liver cancer.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 59 My 9/11 episode: personal experiences, Ptech, and Yasin al-Qadi

In this 9/11 anniversary episode I talk about my personal experiences on that fateful day. I recount the day as I remember it in the 8th grade, and the way it changed my life thereafter. I discuss the lack of humanity that many in the alt-media and 9/11 research community have when it comes to September 11th. I talk about the way in which 9/11 kick started the alt-media’s obsession with “terror porn.” I also explore the reasons for why we must understand this event as a tragedy andjust an excuse to rant at the “sheeple.”

Shocking Finding: Pasta Consumption Associated with SLIMMER Waist

Pasta isn’t what you normally think of as a weight-loss food. Many distance runners and other athletes use pasta to load up on carbohydrates to give them fuel before a competition, but you don’t hear of people gorging on spaghetti in order to drop a few pounds for a wedding, unless it’s some crazy fad diet. Pasta’s image, however, may get a reboot from a new study by Italian researchers, who say pasta might help people lose fat.

For the Longest Life: Your Waistline Should Be Half Your Height

Want to know a newly found secret for living a long and healthy life? Apparently it applies regardless of your age, gender, or ethnicity. The riddle of good health is solved in part with a simple formula, which predicts how many years of someone’s life will be lost to obesity. According to recent research, the key to longevity is having a waist size that is no more than half your height.
Here’s how you work out the formula for better health: