
I'm Being Sued Personally And So Is DownWithTyranny

I just got home from a couple of weeks in Southeast Asia on Tuesday and early Wednesday morning there's a rapping on my door. It's someone serving a 60 page summons. I have no time to read that but I skimmed enough of it to see that I'm one of dozens of people accused by Republican murderer Don Blankenship and that the charge is "weaponized defamation" and that he wants $12 billion dollars for destroying his Senate race.

Will Blankenship Get Revenge Against Cocaine Mitch And Señor Trumpanzee?

Mr. CharismaHis hilarious/outrageous ads about Mitch McConnell-- "swamp captain," "cocaine Mitch," "China family"-- helped turn Republican mass murderer and Senate candidate Don Blankenship into something of a folk anti-hero, not just in West Virginia but across the nation. And... much to the delight of Joe Manchin and the DSCC, Blankenship ain't goin' away.

Yesterday's Election Results

Mostly uninteresting run-of-the-mill candidates who will make no difference to anyone won their primaries, but not entirely. Let's start with some good news in North Carolina. Durham County has just over 310,000 people, one of North Carolina's most populous. Last night the county elected the first African-American in its history, Clarence Birkhead, who beat the racist incumbent , Mike Andrews. And he beat him in a landslide-- 69-31%.

How Toxic Will Trump Be For The GOP In Tomorrow's Primaries?

Tomorrow is Tuesday... primary day in 4 important states: North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia and Ohio-- each of which was carried by Señor Trumpanzee. If you think the GOP primary in West Virginia is crackpotsville... well, you're right, but almost sane compared to what's going on in Indiana. Last week we looked at the mess the Indiana senate primary has turned into.

What Do Desperate Republican Primary Candidates Do When They Get REALLY Desperate? West Virginia, Mountain Mama

New polling for West Virginia's Republican primary-- which in May 8th-- is making felon and far right crackpot Don Blankenship desperate. He's been leading establishment candidates Congressman Evan Jenkins and state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey-- and now he isn't. Fox shows both considerably ahead of him now.

Which Party Hates Its Own Grassroots More?

McConnell salutes West Virginia grassroots Republican votersThird party Super PACs spent $7,343,577 tearing apart Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race. $6,552,448 of that came from Mitch McConnelll's Senate Leadership PAC. McConnell had so sullied Moore's reputation that when he won the primary against the establishment candidate, he couldn't win the general election.