Blade Runner


Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

Based on the chapter in my best selling book with new information and analysis, I decode the highly philosophical and esoteric 1982 film from Ridley Scott.
Blade Runner is not only important for its predictive programming, but also for its alchemical and gnostic themes, as found in the rest of Dick’s novels.

Jay Dyer w/Catherine Austin Fitts: Top 10 Mind Control Movies (Partial)

Catherine Austin Fitts invited me on the Solari Report for a lively conversation covering mind control, movies and the transhumanist agenda.  We chose ten films that stand out as exemplars, and ended up chatting for almost two hours.  The full talk can be obtained by subscribing to her Solari Report below or at at the PayPal link, as well as my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.

Orwell Updated-- In An Infiniti Q50 TV Ad?

Or maybe it was Aldous Huxley's 1931 dystopian novel, Brave New World that the creators of Infinity's new television ad for the Q50 ("Factory of Life") based the new ad on. The blue chip advertising company, TBWA\CHIAT\DAY (part of the edgy and "disruptive" Omnicom marketing group) was also responsible for Apple's classic "1984" campaign for the newly introduced Macintosh (below) thirty years ago!