Bitcoin vs gold

The 1% Has Started to Embrace Bitcoin – Why It Matters

Other than widespread fascination over its meteoric price rise, much of the discussion around Bitcoin in 2017 has revolved around questions over the future direction of the protocol, most specifically the highly charged scaling debate and the implementation of SegWit. With the forthcoming fight over the 2x part of SegWit2x, the blocksize issue remains unsettled and the community will stay firmly focused on this over the coming months, as it should.

The Scaling Debate and Hard Fork Highlight Several Key Differences Between Bitcoin and Gold

You know stuff's going down when I write two posts in a row about Bitcoin, something which almost never happens anymore. In Friday's piece, Is the Bitcoin Civil War Over? Here’s How I’m Thinking About Bitcoin Cash, I discussed a potential strategy that "big blockers" might attempt to execute should the 2x part of Segwit2x not happen later this year.