Binyamin Netanyahu

The Debacle

The greatest danger to Israel is not the putative Iranian nuclear bomb. The greatest danger is the stupidity of our leaders.
This is not a uniquely Israeli phenomenon. A great many of the world’s leaders are plain stupid, and always have been. Enough to look at what happened in Europe in July 1914, when an incredible accumulation of stupid politicians and incompetent generals plunged humanity into World War I.
But lately, Binyamin Netanyahu and almost the entire Israeli political establishment have achieved a new record in foolishness.
Let us start from the end.

Zionism’s Last Card and Hope for Palestine

Following the interim agreement with Iran the next six months will tell us whether or not the American-led Zionist lobby and Zionism itself has played its last card and lost. If it does lose President Obama will be free to use the leverage he has to try to cause Israel to be serious about peace on terms almost all Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could accept (and which would not pose any threat to the wellbeing and security of those Jews now living in Palestine that became Israel and who wanted to stay). The stakes could not be higher.

The Battle of the Titans

This is not merely a fight between Israel and the US. Nor is it only a fight between the White House and Congress. It is also a battle between intellectual titans.
On the one side there are the two renowned professors, Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer. On the other, the towering international intellectual Noam Chomsky.
It’s all about whether the dog wags the tail or the tail wags the dog.

Shahak’s Open Secrets Revisited

The book Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies (Pluto Press, 1997) by Israel Shahak explains why the Israeli political elite agitate against Iran’s non-existent nuclear program. Large parts of the U.S. political establishment with the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) in the United States of America are still promoting war against Iran. This majority Muslim country and its leadership have been demonised by some Zionist public interest groups as the embodiment of the ultimate evil.