Bill O'Reilly

Donald Trump confirms his desire to have good relations with Russia (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has given a pre-Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly of Fox news.
As he has been in the past, the US President was asked about Russia and in particular about President Putin. His remarks indicate personal consistency which necessarily leads to one questioning the levels of discipline among his appointees.
O’Reilly accused President Putin of being a ‘killer’, although the host produced no evidence to back up his odd claim. President Trump responded in the following way:

Remember When Trump Mocked Chinese And Japanese Accents? Chinese And Japanese Americans Do

In 2012, Asian-Americans were huge Obama supporters. In the end the very diverse group only gave 31% of it's vote to Romney. It didn't matter in states like California, New York, Illinois and Texas, with their massive Asian-American population. California, New York, and Illinois were going big for Obama anyway and Texas was in the pocket for Romney no matter how many Laotians and Vietnamese voted for Obama.

Noah Sends Out 4th of July Wishes: "Dear People of FOX News . . ."

Plus: Is Pastor Rick Scarborough burning yet?Uh-oh, Bill-O's mouth is open! Stand back, people! Who knows what might come out of that gaping maw?by NoahHere's a wish for today: I wish that I had the technology to jam FOX News. No, not to prevent the twisted, warped programming. We are supposed to be a nation of free speech, aren't we?

Admit it now, have you been oppressing Bill O'Reilly again? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

"Martyrdom is a huge deal in Catholicism -- the Lives of the Saints are filled with stories of martyrs tortured and killed for their beliefs -- and hey, in many strands of Christianity, if you're not being oppressed, you're not doing it right. . . . "I can call Bill O'Reilly a bigot all day long, and that has nothing to do with me oppressing him for his religion. For what it's worth, I happen to know a lot of Catholics who are not bigots and don't give two fucks about gay people getting married!

Noah's Annual List Of Great Holiday Gift Ideas Is Here!

By Noah  (Bite me, O’Reilly. I said holiday, not Christmas)It’s that most wonderful time of the year again, and that means you just might be desperate for ideas on what to get for those special someones in your life. So, every year, I take on the role of would be Down With Tyranny personal shopper and try to come up with those perfect items that really say just how you feel: gifts that will make sure that you are always remembered.1.