BEWARE, TEXAS!!! Just like the FEDs set up the fake ‘J6 Insurrection’, the explosive border crisis can be……

from State Of The Nation: …….similarly hijacked by the treacherous and traitorous Biden administration to further disparage the MAGA Movement and criminalize all protests against their nakedly treasonous and unlawful alien invasion. TRUTH LIVES on at SOTN Editor’s Note: This Alt Media platform has published several pieces that have asserted that the best defense is […]


from State Of The Nation: Cheating Democrats will simply not accept a 2024 POTUS election loss… …which means there are only two possible outcomes. Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst SOTN Exclusive There has never been, nor will there ever be, such a screwed up POTUS election cycle.  We’re talking about the ultimate Democrat-discombobulated clusterf*ck; that is, […]