Bette Midler

I Doubt The Tax Returns Will Lose Him Any Votes, But They May Send Him To Prison-- And Wouldn't You Prefer That Anyway?

 Lawless Zone by Nancy OhanianWill the NY Times blockbuster from Sunday night matter election-wise. It will matter to some people, but those people have by and large already decided they're not voting for Trump. Maybe there are some Republican businessmen and women who dutifully pay their taxes and will resent Trump enough to sit out election day-- though I wouldn't bet on that being too many.

If A Republican Wins, Can He Move Backwards On Climate? Mike Bloomberg Isn't Worried

As far as I can tell, billionaire and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg contributes to mainstream Republicans and right-of-center Democrats. Sometimes he writes checks directly to the candidates-- as he did for conservaDem and Steve Israel squeeze Anna Throne-Holst ($5,400) June 30, who's running as a Democrat-- though she isn't one-- against Republican Lee Zeldin out in Suffolk County.