Betsy DeVos

Vermont’s Voucher Program Helps The Rich Pay For Prep School With Public Money

Brattleboro Union, a public high school in Vermont, competes with private schools for voucher students from nearby “choice” towns. (Photo: ProPublica)
A self-made Vermonter, Glenn Bowman has sent both his children to out-of-state prep schools. His son plays lacrosse and football at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, and his daughter studied advanced dance at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts.

DeVos Pick To Head Civil Rights Office Claims Said She Faced Discrimination For Being White

Candice Jackson, a longtime anti-Clinton activist and an outspoken conservative-turned-libertarian, has denounced feminism and race-based preferences (AP/Mike Wintroath)
The new acting head of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights once complained that she experienced discrimination because she is white.

Former Lobbyist With For-Profit Colleges Quits Education Department

Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017, at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)
A former lobbyist for an association of for-profit colleges resigned last Friday from the Department of Education, where he had worked for about a month.

Flailing Trumpsters Upset a Hijacked Nation

The Trump Gang, hardly two weeks in the White House, is giving strong, petulant signals that it is hijacking the checks and balances of our democratic institutions. Coupling the Boss’s easily brusiable ego, marinated in infinite megalomania, with ideologues harboring objectives that would have frightened Nixonites and Reaganites alike, a runaway train is leaving the station.