Betsy DeVos

COVID-19 “CARES Act” Bankrolls AlI Post-Human Education

In 1982, former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement for the US Department of Education, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, blew the whistle on the Reagan Administration’s Project BEST (Better Education Skills through Technology): a techno-fascist plan to privatize the American school system by selling it out to Big Tech corporations that deliver B. F.

Trump’s Zealots: White Supremacists and Evangelicals Gearing up for a New Civil War?

The Logic of Profit over People Let us not be naive. If President Trump recently called on his adoring followers to “liberate” states like Michigan, Virginia, Maryland and Minnesota, which all happen to have Democrat governors, this is not about freeing people from the supposed tyranny of lockdown and social distancing measures. What the gun […]

As Civil Rights Cases Are Dismissed, National Groups Take on DeVos

Weeks after civil rights advocates began receiving notifications from the Department of Education that their cases regarding discrimination in schools were being dismissed, three national groups filed a lawsuit Thursday arguing that the department’s new complaint guidelines are undermining its own obligation to investigate civil rights violations.

Betsy DeVos Sued Over Rule Banning Students From Suing Higher Ed Institutions

Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017, at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)
WASHINGTON – Trying to keep afloat the new debt-relief system tailored to defrauded college students, 19 states slapped Education Secretary Betsy DeVos with a federal complaint Thursday.