Bastille Day

UPDATED: Vaccine Passport Protests Around the World

On July 13th French President Emmanuel Macron announced that, beginning later this month, French citizens will need proof of Covid19 “vaccination”, or a negative test, to access public transport, clubs, cafes, shops and supermarkets. He also stated that healthcare workers would face mandatory vaccination: Quite why Macron’s handlers had him make this announcement the day …

Muslim world condemns ‘vile’ Nice attack

Thousands gathered in Nice to mourn those killed along the promenade as the Muslim world united in condemnation of the ‘vile’ attack [Xinhua]
Across the Muslim world there was again anger and frustration that a member of the community had committed yet another atrocious crime – this time in Nice.
On Friday, Egypt’s Al Azhar Institution – considered the highest seat of learning for Sunni Muslims – said attacks such as the one in Nice were vile actions perpetrated by terrorists who contradicted Islamic principles.