Baruch Goldstein

Subduing al-Quds

The State of Israel was established on the ruins of Palestine, based on a series of objectives that were initialed by letters from the Hebrew alphabet, the consequences of which continue to guide Israeli strategies to this day. The current violence against Palestinian worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied East Jerusalem is a logical extension of the same Zionist ambition.

Violent Racists: White AND Black

By Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgI have returned from the Sandpoint, Idaho conference this past weekend, where Oklahoma native Justin Cottrell, who now resides in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with his family, presented a visual slide program based on his excellent book, Black Serial Killer.To briefly summarize what many of you may already know, Whites are vastly

Israel’s Model of Political Despair in Jerusalem

Relations between Israelis and Palestinians have descended into a dangerous melee of tit-for-tat attacks and killings, with the violence of the past few weeks centred on Jerusalem. The city, claimed by Israel as its “undivided capital”, has been torn apart by clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian residents since the summer, when 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir was burnt alive by Jewish extremists.

Israeli Army Kidnaps A Disabled Palestinian, Throw His Wheelchair

Israeli soldiers violently attacked and kidnapped a disabled Palestinian man, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, after forcing him into their jeep, and threw his wheelchair away.

Thursday Evening, May 22, 2014] Israeli soldiers violently attacked and kidnapped a disabled Palestinian man, in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, after forcing him into their jeep, and threw his wheelchair away.

Israel’s War on Facebook

I mean the title of this article in two ways: first, the Shabak is at war with Palestinians using social media in order to express their nationalist political views. Second, the Israeli far-right is using Facebook as a potent means to advance its own genocidal views against Palestinians. If that sounds like a double standard…well, welcome to Israel, the land of hypocrisy and double standards.