barton gellman

Mark Your Calendar: The Interregnum Ends On December 8th-- We Should Know If America Is Still A Democracy Or Not On That Day

  I hope you read yesterday's essay by Liam O'Mara, professor of the history of ideas and Riverside County congressional candidate about the intersection fascism and Trumpism. A few hours later, Politico Magazine published a similar essay by author (On Fascism: 12 Lessons from American History) Matthew MacWilliams, Trump Is an Authoritarian. So Are Millions of Americans.

Barton Gellman Makes Jackasses Out Of The 22 Tools On The House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence

Thursday evening we took a quick look at the venomous assault on whistle-blower Ed Snowden by the establishment stooges who make up the House Intelligence Committee. I reached out to over a dozen members of Congress for a countervailing opinion. No one was interested in going on the record. Barton Gellman, who was-- along with Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Ewen MacAskill-- one of the 4 journalists who Snowden trusted with the NSA classified archives.

Who Should Be On Trial-- Cheney, Morsi, Christie… Sisi?

Look, I'm all for holding politicians accountable for their criminal behavior and abuse of power. After reading Barton Gellman's brilliant book on Cheney, Angler, I'm more convinced than ever that Cheney should be rotting in a prison for the rest of his short miserable life, along with David Addington, his chief hatchet man. During the first Bush-Cheney term, Cheney had his way on everything.

The Beginning Of The End Of The Guantánamo Gulag?

Had Adam Smith amendments to the NDAA passed in June, one year from today-- December 13, 2014, the gulag at Guantánamo would have closed. On June 13, Smith proposed ending indefinite detentions, which was voted down 200-226, 19 Republicans voting with the Democrats and 13 of the worst and most right-wing fake-dens crossing the aisle to oppose the amendment. Those 13 were:

Do Public Officials Ever Lie? Better Question: Do They Ever Tell The Truth?

Since taking over from Tim Sebastian in 2006, Stephen Sackur has been the anchor for the BBC's flagship news interview show, HARDtalk, which runs four times a week. I travel a lot, so I see it a lot. Sackur has a well-deserved reputation as the voice of Establishment Group Think propaganda and for asking questions and then aggressively interrupting his guests when they attempt to answer. He's one of television's most annoying little twits and I often wonder why credible figures ever agree to be interviewed by him. Last week, he interviewed Glenn Greenwald.