Bank Fraud

Video: Bitcoin: What You’re Not Being Told

People’s Bank of China warned financial institutions not to trade in Bitcoins. Afterwards, Bitcoin dropped $370 in one day. This video comes from the StormCloudsGathering YouTube channel. I have taken the liberty to post his video on Revolution along with the 3 1/2 minute one on Bitcoin.
I will comment on gold and silver down below the two videos.

He is most famous for his video Revolution: An Instruction Manual

Monopoly Board Game Revised For Our Times

The new Federal Reserve edition of the popular board game Monopoly has been revised to fit the realities of the modern banking and real estate world. The most radical change is that the money in the game will no longer be issued as a public utility much like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks were. The new Monopoly money will be green just like Federal Reserve Notes. The players will still be issued $1,500 each at the beginning of the game but under the new rules interest will be paid on the money the Banker created out of nothing.

Will The NSA, The IRS, Obamacare And An Army Of Hackers = a Cypriot Style Bail-In?

The kick the can down the road approach to the American deficit did nothing about the 915 billion dollars the US adds every month to its total of unfunded liabilities which was 221 trillions dollars just a few months ago. The Republican attempt to either delay Obamacare for a year or to repeal it altogether failed. An Internet radio host with good sources within the Republican party was told the party folded because the American people are not quite bright enough to see how bad Obamacare will be.

Blackrock on Deleveraging, The Market Top And Screwing The 99%.

Joseph Baratta, the head of Blackstone’s Private Equity Group recently said,
“We are in the middle of an epic credit bubble, in my opinion, the likes of which I haven’t seen in my career in private equity.”
Blackstone which was founded by two men who had worked together at Lehman Brothers before the collapse. It is owned by the most powerful of the Too Big To Jail Institutions.

Confirming Matt Taibbi: The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right

A few weeks ago Matt Taibbi said in a 14 page article in Rolling Stone said that the Conspiracy Theorists were right and that every market was rigged by the bankers. And that included interest rates. commodities, Credit Default Swaps and the gold and silver markets. This has been confirmed by the courts and the securities markets. BP and Shell are being investigated in Europe for rigging oil prices. If the CEO of a small company were arrested, the stock price would go down. But BP and Shell stock prices remain unchanged.

Blythe Masters Tells How The World Really Works

Blythe: Hello, I am Blythe Masters, Vice-President of Global Commodities here at J P Morgan. As you know, I am the creator of Credit Default Swaps, a 700 trillion dollar plus market. I want to welcome the two of you as J P Morgan’s newest board members. I am going to give you a tour and brief introduction into how Morgan and the world really works. I am sure you know you were selected for the board because we are expanding into areas that require your corporate expertise, in Internet surveillance and mercenaries.

Banker Occupied Governments Reduced To Desperate Measures.

Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.

Video: Criminal Bank Cartel Attack. Sign The End Is Nigh?

On the Friday before Americans had to file their income taxes were due an Investment bank used Merrill Lynch brokerage to sell 3.4 million ounces of gold (100 tonnes). Two hours later 10 million ounces of (300 tonnes)was sold. Of course these were all paper certificates and not physical assets.
This is the third time we have had a 20% drop in gold since 2008.