Bank of Canada

Lockdowns, Coronavirus, and Banks: Following the Money

It usually makes sense to follow the money when seeking understanding of almost any major change. The strategy of following the money in our current convergence of crises in late summer of 2020 leads us directly to the lockdowns. The lockdowns were first imposed on people in the Wuhan area of China. Then other populations throughout the world were told to “shelter in place,” all in the name of combating the COVID-19 virus.

Former Central Banker: Oil Pipeline Protesters Will Be Killed. So Be It.

(CD) — As Canada’s controversial Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project faces ongoing opposition, the former governor of the Bank of Canada said that protesters may die but that the government should push the project through anyway. Speaking at an event Wednesday, David Dodge said, “We’re going to have some very unpleasant circumstances,” the Edmonton Journal reported. “There are some people that […]

Joyce Nelson, Mark Anielski on “It’s Our Money”

A handful of Canadians are waging a noble fight to return their central bank, the Bank of Canada, to its chartered role as a low and no-interest financier of government projects and the public interest. That case is at the center of a new book called Beyond Banksters: Resisting the New Feudalism.  We speak with author Joyce Nelson about […]

Justin Trudeau’s false frame of borrowing with interest to invest in infrastructure now

During the 2015 Canadian federal election campaign, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, now Prime Minister, promised to borrow money (at interest) to pay for $60 billion in new infrastructure investments, as opposed to the NDP’s plan to balance the budget in their first year. It was, and remains, a false frame of having to stay in […]

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: February 14, 2015

On the February 14, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, I discussed: Important monetary reform victory in Canada, the call for Congressional authorization for ground troops in Syria and Iraq, the bogus Islamic State, Niqab ban during Canada’s citizenship oath, kosher conservatism and the twin sisters of multiculturalism and sustained, mass immigration […]

Important monetary court case victory in Canada

Here’s monetary reformer Bill Still on an important monetary court case victory in Canada by COMER (the Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform), concerning the power of the federal and provincial governments to borrow money from the Bank of Canada interest-free (or effectively interest-free, by the federal government receiving the Bank’s profits). My comment: Great […]