
Gratitude, Guile, and Guts: September’s Gone, Banned Book Week is Here

And, so, THAT Anniversary too is on my mind: 22 Years Ago, October 7, 2001, US-NATO Invaded Afghanistan: It Was Presented as “Act of Self Defense.” “America Was Attacked by an ‘Unnamed Foreign Power.'” From silly to serious, these national and international celebration days give pause for serious writers. Shoot, here are some powerful dates […]

Have You Heard of the Low-Fat “SlimCado?” Avocado Incoming!

One of the healthiest aspects of an avocado is its fat content. Even though a 1-cup serving of avocado contains 22 grams of fat, eating avocados has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, improve LDL cholesterol, and decrease levels of oxidative stress in the bloodstream. The monounsaturated fat in avocados, especially oleic acid, plays a role in these cardiovascular benefits. [1]
Rachael Hartley, a dietitian in South Carolina, said:

7 Very Natural Solutions for Alleviating Depression

The issue of mental health has recently gained more prominence in Australia, with radio advertisements proclaiming that a mental illness, such as depression, is “part” of who someone is – kind of like eye color is part of someone. In reality, while eye color is innocuous, the vast majority of people suffering from mental illness would jump at the chance to be freed from the nightmare which is not only their illness, but the side effects of their medication.