Avi Yemini

Police State Australia

In what country can a journalist be subjected to a violent arrest for doing his job with proper accreditation?
In what country can a heavily pregnant woman be arrested in her own home, her mobile phone and every other electronic device seized simply because she posts a non-offensive message on social media calling for a peaceful demonstration?
What country: China perhaps? Russia? Iran?
How about Australia?

Avi Yemini Exposes Black Lives Matter Idiocy In Australia

If you haven’t heard of Avi Yemini, he is Australia’s answer to Tommy Robinson. And not the kind of bloke you’d like to meet in a dark alley. Having said that, you don’t have to like a man to agree with what he says, and when he talks sense, you should agree with him, period.
The insanity of these sham protests against the killing of George Floyd and something called racism have spread to the UK, including Bristol where a statue was torn down. They have also spread to Australia.