Audrey Azoulay

Unesco: Teach Children How to Understand Migrants’ Lives, Before It’s Too Late

A Syrian refugee in Turkey, originally from a small town in Aleppo. A new generation of children living in countries that are receiving migrants needs to learn about those people and their worth, says a new report from Unesco, in order to counter misunderstandings. MUSE MOHAMMED/IOM
As outrage and horror build around stories of refugee children, some still in diapers, seized from their parents and suffering neglect and abuse along the United States border with Mexico, Unesco, the United Nations organization with education in its mandate, is looking ahead.

Remaniement : entre Verts dans la pomme et repris de justice !

Alors que notre Président François Hollande avait dû précipitamment réagir à la défection de Christiane Taubira le 27 janvier dernier, en faisant appel à un fidèle de Manuel Valls, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, pour la remplacer, c’est à un remaniement plus large que nous venons d’assister il y a une semaine.