Atomic Bomb

The Oppenheimer Imperative: Normalising Atomic Terror

The atomic bomb created the conditions of contingent catastrophe, forever placing the world on the precipice of existential doom.  But in doing so, it created a philosophy of acceptable cruelty, worthy extinction, legitimate extermination.  The scenarios for such programs of existential realisation proved endless.  Entire departments, schools of thought, and think tanks were dedicated to […]

Remembering Nagasaki

Our faith in government, once based on trust Has now irrevocably turned to rust. Oh yes, there are a few whose loyalty us is true. But countless others felt the need To attach themselves to corporate greed. You think the president calls the shots? Then it’s you who don’t connect the dots. The corporate elite, […]
The post Remembering Nagasaki first appeared on CovertAction Magazine.

Dangerously fake news headline screams “NUCLEAR ATTACK” in Syria

An apparent airstrike in the Homs / Aleppo area of Syria took place in the late evening hours of Saturday, 29 April. Videos shot of the explosions feature some large ones, and one in particular that seems to be very large and has many secondary flares. One can see that these look rather like the fireworks that sparkle and flash for many seconds after the initial detonation. This type of explosion is consistent with a munitions dump getting hit, with the munitions themselves exploding after being struck.

How a US Fiasco in Macau Birthed North Korea’s Atomic Bomb

Newsbud Presents the Community Member Exclusive Series Asia Brief with Peter Lee. This week: The inside story of how the Treasury Department botched its sanctions game against North Korea and China and directly led to the first North Korean atomic bomb test. Do not miss this in depth presentation of historical facts that directly led to the current situation that the mainstream media is fomenting in order to expand interventionism.  Newsbud is 100% people funded, support independent media and make a pledge to Newsbud’s Phase 3 Kickstarter today.