
US Journalist Arrested in Turkey after Fleeing Syria

(MEEAn American journalist has been arrested in Turkey and charged with “violating a military zone” after she returned from war-torn Syria, US officials said on Wednesday.
US State Department spokesman John Kirby said Lindsey Snell was detained on 6 August and that US consular officials had been able to visit her almost three weeks later on 26 August.

Breast Cancer Patient Protesting Big Pharma’s ‘Death Sentence’ Arrested Outside TPP Talks

Zahara Heckscher, a breast cancer patient who was wearing a t-shirt that read, “I Have Cancer. I Can’t Wait Years,” and holding a hospital drip pole that read “TPP: Don’t Cut My IV” was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia after allegedly ‘disrupting’ negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and the probable drug price gouging that will occur should certain provisions in the trade deal pass through legislation.