Arctic trade

The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road

Authored by Matthew Ehret via The Strategic Culture Foundation:
The best partnerships occur when all participants have special talents to bring to the relationship which makes a whole more powerful than the sum of its parts. This is the beauty of the multipolar alliance formed by Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and a growing array of Asian, African and South American statesmen in recent years.

5 ways Russia and China are deepening their cooperation

Russia and China continue to forge ever closer bonds across many fields of interaction.
Here are some important recent developments that underlie what has become the world’s most important multifaceted bilateral partnership.
1. Gold 
During Chinese President Xi Jingping’s recent visit to Moscow where he brought with him scores of representatives from the business and government sector, Russia and China agreed to increase bilateral trade in local currency.