anti-white racism

Hasbro Toy Manufacturer Indoctrinating Employees With Critical Race Theory Racism… Will Your Children Be Next?

BREAKING: Critical Race Theory ‘Indoctrination’ EXPOSED Within Children’s Toy Manufacturer Hasbro; Insider Leaks Internal Training Given to Employees … ‘By Age Four, Kids are Showing a Strong and Consistent Pro-White, Anti-Black Bias’ Katie Ishizuka, Conscious Kids Co-Founder: “By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race.” Ishizuka: “[Babies] […]

Minneapolis City Council Candidate Rita Ortega Suggests Torching Wealthy Neighborhoods, and BLM Supporters Imply that White People Should Be Killed

In a shocking collection of interviews from the George Floyd memorial in Minneapolis, BLM supporters agreed that the city should be burned and implied that white people need to be killed. They claim that thousands of unarmed black men are killed by police each year. The real number from last year was 18.

Rochester, New York: Mentally Ill Man Set on Fire by Teens Dies After 4 Days in Hospital

Rochester journalist Bob Lonsberry reported that, according to police records, the teens were black and instructed the victim during the incident to tell authorities it was two white men who set him on fire. Until then, the media had refused to disclose the races of the killers and the victim lest it be divisive.

Violence Against Asians by Blacks Now Being Blaming on ‘White Supremacy’

The Washington Post reported, "Tensions between Asian and Black communities date back decades and have been reignited by videos that show Black perpetrators in many of the recent attacks on Asian Americans." Blacks committed 90% of interracial felonies and Whites committed less than 10%, according to govt statistics.

Nasdaq Threatens 75% of Listed Companies, Demands Minorities Be Appointed to Directors to Board – Or Else

Social media critics pointed out that selecting directors based on their skin color, genitalia and sexual preference epitomized the bigotry most “diversity” measures claim to fight. According to the New York Times, 75% of currently-listed Nasdaq companies fall short of the proposed requirements.