anti-Trump protests

New York Times “anonymous” op-ed is the mainstream media’s latest magic trick

On September 5th, the media world was “rocked” by an anonymously authored op-ed piece in The New York Times that, to hear about it through all the other networks, was like the end of the world for President Trump. According to the op-ed piece itself, it is written by a “senior official in the Trump White House” who has “vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”
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Donald Trump goes to France – and encounters no protesters

Something very remarkable happened during US President Trump’s recent visit to France, and it is not being reported, possibly because it is a case of something which did not happen rather than of something that did.
During President Trump’s recent visit to Germany for the G20 summit in Hamburg protesters against him were out in force.  The state visit President was invited to make to Britain in the autumn of this year has had to be put off because of massive protests against him.