anti-Russian propaganda

UK gov. funded ‘think tanks’ to smear Jeremy Corbyn and spread anti-Russian propaganda (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the shady and secretive UK propaganda outfits dubbed ‘The Integrity Initiative’ and ‘the Institute for Statecraft’, which have been working underground and out fo sight, to smear Jeremy Corbyn and spread anti-Russian, pro-war propaganda through an massive “network of networks” consisting of journalists, politicians and society influencers.

Calling out The Guardian’s false, anti-Russian propaganda

The other day I received an article from The Guardian in the UK. It was titled “Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a creaking ship. Don’t fall for the propaganda”.
Reading it, I wondered if the writer ever spent any serious time in Russia. I do not mean as a footie tourist, but actually lived, worked and knew in the country. The recently held World Cup was certainly a well thought through showcase event as it would be anywhere in the world.