Anthony Santelli

Secret History of the Protestant Reformation

The Secret History of the Protestant ReformationA Revolt Against Papal-Fugger Usury and Catholic NominalismMichael“The heathen were able, by the light of reason, to conclude that a usurer is a double-dyed thief and murderer. We Christians, however, hold them in such honor, that we fairly worship them for the sake of their money…Whoever eats up, robs and steals the nourishment of another, that man commits as great a he who starves a man or utterly undoes him.

Hoffman’s book on usury reviewed in “Culture Wars” magazine

The July-August issue of Culture Wars, a Catholic magazine published by E. Michael Jones, PhD., has an extensive review of Michael Hoffman's book, Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not.The review, titled "Has the Catholic Church Changed Her Teaching on Usury?" is authored by Anthony Santelli, PhD., a fomer professor at George Mason University and the founder and hedgefund manager of AES Capital.The 19-page review is on pp. 30-49 of the July-August issue. A pdf.