Anthony Kennedy

Justice Scalia’s ‘Originalist’ Hypocrisy

From the Archive: The death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia has prompted fawning eulogies about his legal brilliance and his heart-felt faith in constitutional “originalism,” but the reality is that he twisted the Framers’ thoughts into whatever was politically convenient, as Robert Parry noted in 2011. By Robert Parry (Originally published on Jan. 5,…

OMG, you can go to prison for illegal campaign coordination! Who knew?

Hmm, back in February 2011 (the same month that "Hosni Mubarak stepped down from power") Fox Noise couldn't seem to figure out whether Tyler Harber was "President, Wilson Research Strategies" or -- as he was identified in a graphic seconds later -- "VP AND DIRECTOR OF POLITICAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIVISION AT WRS." The following year Elections and Campaigns magazine would name the Republican consultant a "Rising Star.""It was something

It's "Slow Anthony" Kennedy Day at the Supreme Court gay-marriage jamboree

WaPo caption: "Joe, left, and Frank Capley-Alfano in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday. The couple, from Oakland, Calif., have been together for 15 years and were married in 2008."by KenOMG, "Obergefell v. Hodges"? This is the designation for the agglomeration of cases bundled into the great Supreme Court same-sex-marriage test case, which we're going to have to cite unto, well, eternity? Oy!

Our clown Supreme Court takes on the bogus challenge to Obamacare -- and makes believe it's legitimate!

Justice "Slow Anthony" Kennedy: "At least," says Ian Millhiser, "one of the Court’s Republicans appears to have come to work wearing his judicial robe, and not his partisan hat."by KenAll in all, I'm inclined to go along with Greg Sargent's estimate of yesterday's Supreme Court oral arguments on King v. Burwell: "A hint of good news for Obamacare, but don’t get your hopes up too much." King v.

"McCutcheon": a new Roberts Court buzzword to go with "Citizens United"

This is the freest danged speech you ever will see!"Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government."-- Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders"I am concerned that today's ruling may represent the latest step in an effort by a majority of the Court to dismantle entirely the longstanding structure of campaign finance law erected to limit the undue influence of special interests on American politics."-- Arizona Republican Sen.