Animal farm

Victor Davis Hansen: The Left’s 1960’s dream is America’s 2021 nightmare [Video]

The piece I am drawing from here can be found on American Greatness. Titled, “Our Animal Farm”, Victor Davis Hansen makes no bones in calling the transformation of the greatest and most freedom loving country on earth into the dark repository of “OneThink” anybody could have imagined. A soft tyranny is in place in the […]

Orwell: Neocon Icon

How do you explain the fact that the John Birch Society used 1984 as its main office telephone number in the 1960s? Or that both Animal Farm and 1984, are force-fed to virtually the entire western world in people’s formative years in their teens, even as Big Brother jacks up repression and surveillance, and pursues ever more cruel and senseless wars?
A look at Orwell’s weaknesses reveals how Big Brother turn the tables on him, getting the last laugh.

China Censors George Orwell Books Amid Vote to Remove Term Limits

(TIM) — The ruling Chinese Communist Party government announced plans on February 25th to remove a constitutional clause limiting presidential service to two five-year terms, paving the way for current Chinese President Xi Jinping to retain control of the country indefinitely after his second term expires in 2023. The proposed amendments to China’s constitution are expected to be signed off by the […]

M le Mauduit

Nous relayons l’émission « L’invité » du 12 septembre 2016, tournée quelques mois avant les diverses périodes électorales en France [1]. Patrick Simonin y accueille Laurent Mauduit, entre autres cofondateur de Mediapart et ancien du Monde et de Libération, pour qu’il y présente son livre Main basse sur l’information, sorti aux éditions Don Quichotte le 8 septembre 2016 [2].

My Short Life On a Real Ranch

Mostly I remember wandering around in the dark, sweating, for hours. At breakfast, the father of the house said, “oh, there’s that varmint again.” He walked over to the gun rack on the wall and grabbed a rifle. He went to the back window and slid it open. Then he started blasting. Two massive explosions from the shotgun and the “varmint” was vaporized.
Two massive explosions from the shotgun and the “varmint” was vaporized.

Black Op Radio episode 823

Tom Secker and I were recently guests on Len Osanic’s Black Op Radio. We discussed The CIA and Hollywood series and specifically our episode on The Quiet American and Edward Lansdale. We discuss the theory that Lansdale was acting as a former ad-executive and was attempting to sell war in South East Asia. Tom and I also talk about the CIA’s use of George Orwell as propaganda, Charlie Wilson, and why government interference in cinema and culture is so dangerous.