
La Boucherie Éthique, de la déontologie de l’étripage

La Boucherie Éthique est la première boucherie en France à proposer de la « viande éthique », un commerce qui a vocation à réconcilier l’homme et l’animal, sans souffrance pour ce dernier. Les Parasites [1] vous présentent ce nouveau concept où honneur et dignité sont rendus à ces cochons de payeur et autres vaches à lait. De leurs propres mots :

Video: Man Saves Miracle Kitten on Busy Russian Highway

A Russian surveillance system recently released harrowing footage of a tiny kitten crossing a busy highway and dodging traffic for several minutes before being scooped up by a benevolent stranger.
The kitten, who comes from Kaliningrad, Russia, was shown on camera attempting to cross a busy highway. He was miraculously able to dodge traffic for three and a half minutes in a breath-taking video. After several near misses in which drivers swerve around him or drive over him so they don’t injure him, a man stops and puts on his hazard lights. [1]

California Bans Breeding Killer Whales and SeaWorld Shows

SeaWorld has long been criticized for its program of breeding killer whales and holding them in captivity. However, a new law signed by California Governor Jerry Brown will now ban the birth of further killer whales in captivity. Whales already in captivity may remain there, but will no longer be allowed to perform “on command.” Instead, so-called educational experiences will replace the live shows. [1]

God’s Red Pencil? CRISPR and The Three Myths of Precise Genome Editing

by Jonathan Latham, PhD For the benefit of those parts of the world where public acceptance of biotechnology is incomplete, a public relations blitz is at full tilt. It concerns an emerging set of methods for altering the DNA of living organisms. “Easy DNA Editing Will Remake the World. Buckle ...

The Music Tracks Made JUST for Cats – Take a Listen

There is no doubt that humans can experience wide-ranging emotions from listening to music. In fact, music has been shown to bolster overall immunity, fending off illness and disease. But how does music affect animals? Or do different types of music have different impacts? Some researchers are trying to find the answers to these questions.

Photos: Orangutan Set Free After Chained At Neck For 13 Years & Fed Junk Food

After being changed by the neck and fed a diet consisting of ‘junk food and fizzy drinks’, Pingky the orangutan was rescued and set free by the International Animal Rescue Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. And now, after rehabilitation that lasted years within the center, Pingky was determined to be suitable for release into the wild.
In the photos below, which millions have been touched by on social media, you can see Pingky’s transition from a chained slave surrounded by plastic bottles and kept on a diet of pure junk to his ultimate release into the wild once more: