Andrew Sullivan

How Much Bigger Will Putin-Gate Be Than Watergate Was? Mucho Bigger

Trump didn't take Mueller seriously-- just another prop in Trump world who he could write out of the script with some loathsome tweets... and move on to the next season. But even Trump must realize the problem is now about reality, not reality TV. I wonder if the thought of asking Putin for asylum has crossed his mind yet.

Solving The Country's Biggest Problem (Yes TRUMP, But Nothing To Do With Mueller)

On Friday, writing for New York Magazine Andrew Sullivan found yet another way to call Señor Trumpanzee a liar: "making us all live in his delusional reality show." The ugly fascist swine "believes," wrote Sullivan, "what he wants to believe, creates a reality that fits his delusions, and then insists, with extraordinary ene

Some Republicans Are Trying To Deny They Were Backing The TrumpCare Catastrophe

Sunday, Texas conservative Ted Poe resigned from the Freedom Caucus because of TrumpCare. He was for it. The Caucus was, by and large, against it. Maybe Poe was afraid of Trump's wrath but that is odd in a Houston area district that wasn't especially pro-Trump. Romney won Poe's district with 63%, around the same that McCain won it with. Trump only managed 52.4%.

With So Many Low-Info American Voters, Did Trump Even Need Putin's Help To Win?

In his column yesterday, Paul Krugman wrote that not only is Trump "the least qualified individual, temperamentally or intellectually, ever installed in the White House," but that "the broader Republican quagmire-- the party’s failure so far to make significant progress toward any of its policy promises-- isn’t just about Mr.

Noor Zahi Salman: Everything You’re Hearing About Me Is a Lie

By Sam Husseini | June 15, 2016 Virtually everything in the media about Noor Zahi Salman, Omar Mateen’s wife, is from anonymous government sources. They lie in situations like this. Such anonymous sourcing helped facilitate the lies used to invade Iraq and countless other horrific policies. They’re doubly dangerous during a panic, consider that after government anthrax […]

Ted's Excellent Adventure In Indiana... Ended Any Chance Of Him Becoming President

I don't have any warm and fuzzy feelings for Ted Cruz. I tend to see him something like Boehner sees him-- but I'm sure I hate him even more than Boehner does, since they agree on policy and just differ on process. I hate everything Cruz wants to do to my country. Nonetheless, yesterday I almost felt sorry for him. He was in Marion, Indiana and decided to confront, in a friendly and personable way, the Trump fans in his audience. Now, what does it take to be a Trump fan who drives all the way from Ohio to heckle Ted Cruz and repeatedly scream "Lyin' Ted" into his face?