Andrew Romanoff

Love Those #NeverTrumpers-- Except When They Interfere With The Democratic Party

The newest-- I guess-- #NeverTrumpster conservative group is the Lincoln Project, basically George Conway, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, Reed Galen, Jennifer Horn, Mike Madrid, Ron Steslow, John Weaver, Sally Canfield, Chip Felkel, Molly Jong-Fast, Sophia Nelson, Tom Nichols, Tara Setmayer, and Chris Vance. They call themselves "advisors" to the Lincoln Project. And they define their mission as defeating Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box. "We do not undertake this task lightly nor from ideological preference," they wrote. "Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain.

Trump Promised Lower Drug Prices... But He Has Moscow Mitch Blocking Both Democratic And Republican Bills That Would Do That. Why Is He Such A Dick?

I was on the phone a few minutes ago, talking with a super-progressive running for a congressional seat in central Texas and she brought up Lloyd Doggett, chair of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, and more progressive than anyone else in the Texas congressional delegation.

Courage In Politics Is Rare-- And Sorely Needed

Birds of a feather... Lipinski and BustosIn 2018, it was shocking when incumbents in Congress, led by Jan Schakowsky in the House and Bernie in the Senate came out and endorsed progressive Democratic reformer Marie Newman in a Chicagoland primary that pitted her against longtime incumbent, reactionary Dan Lipinski, an anti-Choice, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-healthcare Republican-lite Blue Dog.

What Do You Do About Democratic Candidates Who Oppose Medicare?

From 1905, when it was first introduced, to 1965 when a Democratic landslide the year before than finally allowed it to pass, Medicare had been opposed by conservatives-- of both parties. In its last few years before passage, Wilbur Mills (D-AR), the completely conservative Democrat sexual predator and alcoholic who chaired the then all-powerful House Ways and Means Committee prevented Medicare from being voted on.

Will Schumer's Attempt To Destroy The Primary System Protect The GOP Senate Majority?

The Jack Abramoff scandal had broken wide open and one of Abramoff's biggest lackeys was Montana Senator Conrad Burns. Democrats saw a glimmer of hope of taking back the Montana seat that Burns had won from John Melcher in 1988. In 2000 Burns was barely reelected-- 50.6% to 47.2% against Brian Schweitzer. Montana had been trending red-- in 2000 Bush won the state 58-33% and in 2004 was reelected 59-39%.