
Anarchists Begin Fixing Roads and Potholes Because the Government Won’t

(ANTIMEDIA) Portland, OR — “Who will build the roads?” The question is a common response to the proposition that human beings can coexist peacefully in the absence of a government or even the concept of a State altogether. Anarchists often claim that in the absence of an institutionalized State, people will voluntarily organize and discover solutions to the problems they face, including the construction and maintenance of roads.

Anarchists Gather in Acapulco to Take over the World…Then Leave You Alone

(ANTIMEDIA) Anarchists have gotten a bad rap. From the self-described anarchists who riot in the streets to the doomsday Hollywood franchise The Purge, many have been led to believe anarchy is synonymous with chaos, terror, and violence. President Trump even chimed in recently, referring — without evidence — to “professional anarchists” who were paid to protest his reign.

White Canada Has a Black History

In this sedition of ITEOTWAWKIAIFF we look at the growing class unrest in Hong Kong that kicked off a massive rebellion in the lunar new year. Also street battles   in Athens, where anarchists and farmers stormed the Greek capital in reaction to Syriza’s structural adjustment policies. On the music break we drop the now classic Dead Prez track: Malcolm Garvey Huey.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: The Feds’ Coming War Against Homeschoolers

Welcome to our fourth episode of Probable Cause. Our topic for this episode is homeschooling. We will be discussing homeschooling as a major step towards independent and critical thinking, and of course, by doing so, challenging the system. I’ll be talking about how and why the government sees this ever-increasing trend, homeschooling, as a major threat, and various tactics and attack scenarios that will be implemented by the feds in its war against American homeschoolers.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Libertarians- The Likely Kindling Point of the Coming Revolution?

Welcome to our third experimental episode of Probable Cause. I want to thank all of you who joined our interactive discussion in our previous two episodes. For this episode I am going to share with you my responses to the questions posed during our first episode: Do you believe we will have some sort of revolution here in the United States in the near future? If so, in your opinion, where will it come from? Which segment of our population do you see likely to revolt?

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds: Uniting for a Revolution … and the Morning After

Welcome to our second experimental episode of Probable Cause. On this episode we will be delving deeper into our previous topic: clarifying which meaning of the word revolution we are basing this discussion on, using the Iranian Revolution of 1979 as an example and context to illustrate why revolution is not an end unto itself, discussing the upsides and pitfalls of uniting for a revolution both in the short and long term, and much more!

Where will the revolution in the USA come from … assuming it will ever come?

Welcome to our first experimental episode of Probable Cause. Our first few podcast episodes will explore different ideas and formats in order to determine how we can make this new podcast series interactive and spontaneous.
On this episode, after a brief introduction and discussion of the objectives behind this new show, we will delve right into our first topic: the likelihood of a revolution here in the United States, identifying (or predicting) the political segment(s) of our population most likely to revolt.