American Jewish Congress

Deconstructing the Zionist View of Gaza’s Horror – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

The truth is that outside Israel, Washington, D.C. and various other Zionist strongholds, David Harris’s worldview is crumbling. And, as the numbers of those who share his viewpoint shrinks, other counter-groups, such as the boycott Israel movement, grow in number. Sooner or later a tipping point will be reached and then things will change and probably do so rapidly. On that day what will David Harris do? Blame it all on anti-Semitism? Take residence at the top of Masada?

Former American officials accuse Israel of breaching international law .

(MEMO) – For the first time, six former senior American officials issued a statement candidly accusing Israel of breaching international law and undermining peace talks.
The statement came after a speech by the US secretary of state in Congress, in which he blamed Israel for delaying and meddling with negotiations because of its retreat from the release of the fourth batch of veteran Palestinian prisoners.

Jewish War Against Christmas

Father Philoumenos (Hasapis) was the Monk of the Greek Orthodox monastery of Jacob’s Well near the city of Samaria, now called Nablus (Neapolis), in the West Bank. The Saint experienced a martyric death November 16,1979 at the hands of extremist Jewish Zionists who massacred him with an ax in the evening, while he was performing Vespers at the Well of Jacob where he lived as a loyal guardian of the Holy Places and centuries old way of life.