America First

From the ‘Groyper Wars’ to ‘America First’: Nick Fuentes becomes a ‘somebody’

Self-described Christian reactionary livestreamer Nick Fuentes led his “Groyper Army” into a war against the conservative movement’s most prominent figures, including TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk and podcaster Ben Shapiro. Fuentes blasted conservative rivals as too pro-gay, pro-immigrant, and pro-Israel to champion the ideals of “America First.” Between 2020 and 2023, he hosted a rival “America First” conference (AFPAC) to compete with the annual CPAC confab of the conservative establishment. AFPAC’s main achievement has been engulfing MAGA-aligned politicians in controversy. In 2022, […]

Is Nick Fuentes the future of America First, or its kiss of death?

Self-described Christian reactionary Nick Fuentes built his youthful following by claiming the title of “The Most Canceled Man in America.” Now, he’s consciously weaponizing it to undermine the America First movement. In part one of this three part investigative series, we sort the fact from fiction in Fuentes’ tale of persecution.  Far-right agitator livestreamer Nick Fuentes has urged his followers to “rape, kill, and die” for him, while demanding Jews “get the fuck out of America” and vowing to “piss […]

Freaks, Frauds, Grifters & 'Human Trafficking In The Dissident Right' - FF Ep168

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 168 of Flashback Friday this Friday the 13th, 2022.
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Guess who is supporting conservatives against Big Tech? Russia! [Video]

Dr. Steve Turley shows here how Russia, the world’s largest conservative power, is fighting big tech giant Google in behalf of a conservative channel known as “Tsargrad“, a conservative, Russian Orthodox Christian channel. This is a fascinating piece of news, showing an international component to the issue of free speech rights on the Internet. Tsargrad sued […]

North Carolina: Congressional Candidate Pete D’Abrosca Calls For 10-Year Moratorium on ALL Immigration

He says that younger Republicans are not as controlled by political elites because they understand that the Chamber of Commerce has bought and paid for politicians in Congress. D'Abrosca says immigrants are taking jobs from both working-class and middle-class Americans with visas for high tech jobs.

Steve Bannon praises Tulsi Gabbard on foreign policy [Video]

As the Democrat field for 2020 goes through its gyrations and swan songs to the farthest left of Americans, one candidate consistently gets ignored by both the mainstream media and the rest of the progressive Democrat field – Tulsi Gabbard, the US Representative from Hawaii. On November third, she received a surprising* endorsement from none less than Steve Bannon, who was, is and will continue to support Donald Trump in his work as President.