Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

An excellent way to distinguish between liberals and conservatives [Video]

Dr Steven Turley has emerged in the last couple years as one of the clearest voices in support of “the new nationalism” that appears to be taking shape in many nations all over the world. This rise of nationalism, populism and traditionalism is revealing the real divide between liberals and conservatives in America and around the world. Most significantly leading this charge is the Russian Federation, but many nations are coming on board: The United Kingdom, Hungary, Italy, the United States, Australia, and some signs of interest in antiglobalism in France.

Ocasio-Cortez to Constituents on Bolivian Coup: Drop Dead

By Jacob Levich | CounterPunch | February 14, 2020 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the celebrity who moonlights as my Congressional representative, has repeatedly claimed to speak for “ordinary people,” but she refuses listen to them,  even if they are constituents. In late November, shortly after the US-backed military coup that unseated the legitimate president of Bolivia, I […]

What “That’s Not Realistic” Really Means: Bernie Sanders, Social Democracy, and Capitalist Apologetics

When discussing politics, or listening to pundits in the mainstream media in the run up to the 2020 presidential election, you’ve probably heard a common refrain: certain policies are “not realistic.” It’s similar to the close-minded remark that certain politicians, such as Bernie Sanders, have issues regarding their “electability”. What are these elites and people who continually parrot these media narratives actually saying?

The Democrats’ Open Borders Conspiracy

The hatred of certain so-called progressive Democrats for America, especially white America, is a subject hardly worth debating. This is best summed up in a nutshell with Hillary Clinton’s now infamous “basket of deplorables” quote, which meant in effect anyone who doesn’t vote “for me” is a bigot.
While like Elizabeth Warren, Mrs Clinton has a well-deserved reputation for speaking with forked tongue, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (pictured) and her fellow travellers mean what they say. And not only are they intent on bringing it about, but they are half way there.

CNN covers for ANTIFA, as Trump trolls AOC +3 (Video)

RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou discuss the ANTIFA terrorist who was killed Saturday by Washington state police as he attacked a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center.  was seen in a recent CNN program that critics say glorified a radical, left-wing movement.
Willem Van Spronsen, 69, sent a manifesto to friends the day before the assault in which he wrote, “I am Antifa,” and now he has now been martyred by ANTIFA members, while CNN broadcast and promoted a program that glorified the fascist radical ANTIFA member.

‘4 horsewomen of the apocalypse’: Trump renews attack on ‘Dem Squad’

Via RT…

US President Donald Trump has tweeted out comments made by a Republican senator who branded the ‘squad’ of four freshman Democratic congresswomen who accused him of racism as “the four horsewomen of the apocalypse.”
In a fresh early-morning Tweetstorm, Trump posted verbatim Louisiana Senator John Kennedy’s comments blasting the women as “whack jobs” who are “destroying the Democratic Party.”