Alexander Hamilton

Three Presidents Who Made Thanksgiving a National Holiday — And What They Were Thankful For

Three U.S. presidents were instrumental in establishing Thanksgiving as a regular national event. On October 3, 1789, George Washington declared the first federal Thanksgiving holiday. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln made it an annual federal holiday. And in 1941, Franklin Roosevelt signed a bill setting the date at the fourth Thursday of every November. All three […]

Tackling the Infrastructure and Unemployment Crises: The “American System” Solution

A self-funding national infrastructure bank modeled on the “American System” of Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt would help solve not one but two of the country’s biggest problems. Millions of Americans have joined the ranks of the unemployed, and government relief checks and savings are running out; meanwhile, the country still needs […]

The 1804 Northern Secession Plot and the Founding Fathers of the Deep State

“In a choice of Evils let them take the least – Jefferson is in every view less dangerous than Burr.”
– Alexander Hamilton (1800)
The miracle of America’s surviving its many near death experiences over the years can be attributed less to fate and more to the immense sacrifices by great statesmen over the years… one of whom we will explore in this essay.

Time for a New Revolution

As the presidential election draws near both contestants make fatuous appeals to America’s near-sainted Founding Fathers and that almost sacred scroll known as the Constitution. History has seen more than its share of distortion. Myths and misconceptions have sprung up that many people now take as fact. However, historical interpretation must be based on evidence, which in many cases is either lacking or contradictory. Myths are powerful because they say things people want to believe. History does matter, which is why people in power put so much energy into controlling it.

How to Save a Dying Republic Part 2: Economics is a Matter of Mind over Matter

In the last installment, I introduced the false solutions being fed to society with the Great Green Reset agenda which aims at creating a new economic order. This order, as it is being promoted by Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland, George Soros, Bill Gates and other minions of the City of London is shaped by a devout belief in depopulation, world government and master-slave systems of social control.

Impeaching Trump-- Alexander Hamilton vs Vladimir Putin

When I studied the revolutionary period in high school, the teacher, Mr. Feinstein, a relatively conservative guy, loved Alexander Hamilton, who seemed pretty conservative to me. I preferred the more populist Thomas Jefferson, who I associated with the left. Hamilton hated the "common people," and democracy and wanted a king instead of a president and a House of Lords instead of a Senate.

Out Of Touch With Popular Culture-- But Not Out Of Touch With That Devil Alexander Hamilton

I was never a big fan of most pop music. I found it disposable and a waste of time for the most part. I was always more into cutting edge stuff-- like the just-released song up top by the Scottish band Paris Street Rebels. The band is barely 2 years old and their press agent tried to put their music in context by explaining that they take the best parts of the transatlantic Punk explosion of the 1970's and combine it with towering melodies and 21st century working class outrage. Their region has collapsed economically.

Are the student demonstrations a sign of a sea change or staged political activism?

It is a nasty thing to get political about matters that involve the loss of life of children. The United States, and indeed, many people from the rest of the world who observed the news of the horrific school massacre in Florida not two weeks ago, all are shocked and horrified. Even for staunch supporters of the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms, there seems to be something about this matter that has gotten attention in a way not seen in previous occurrences.