Albert Einstein

Democrats Are Still Twisting Themselves Into Knots Trying To Explain Health Insurance And Other Progressive Initiatives To Voters

"Look," no one serious ever said, "we can't put the Mob out of business because it will throw so many people out of work." It's true. If the Mob were shut down, all kinds of people doing work that, in varying degree, is anti-social. Insurance companies are also doing work that is anti-societal. Yet it is widely thought that if they are phased out as an anachronism for another, more effective means of paying for healthcare, too many people will be unemployed.

Democrats Are Still Twisting Themselves Into Knots Trying To Explain Health Insurance And Other Progressive Initiatives To Voters

"Look," no one serious ever said, "we can't put the Mob out of business because it will throw so many people out of work." It's true. If the Mob were shut down, all kinds of people doing work that, in varying degree, is anti-social. Insurance companies are also doing work that is anti-societal. Yet it is widely thought that if they are phased out as an anachronism for another, more effective means of paying for healthcare, too many people will be unemployed.

Albert Einstein et le racisme

Source : The Clio, 23-01-2019
Albert Einstein a visité l’Université Lincoln en 1946. Lincoln University a été fondée en 1854 sous le nom d’Ashmun Institute et elle est devenue l’université historiquement noire aux États-Unis pour délivrer des diplômes à ses diplômés. Le scientifique lauréat du prix Nobel a dit : « La séparation des races n’est pas une maladie des gens de couleur. C’est une maladie des Blancs. Je n’ai pas l’intention de me taire. »

The Einstein File Exposes the FBI as an Enemy of All the People

Most people living in the United States know little about Albert Einstein. What people do know of Einstein is usually confined to his many achievements in the realm of science. Fred Jerome’s updated version of The Einstein File: The FBI’s Secret War Against the World’s Most Famous Scientist analyzes the enormous FBI file compiled on the world-renowned scientist.

Putin quotes Einstein: ‘WW3 would be the end of civilization’ (Video)

Russian President Vladimir Putin held his annual televised question-and-answer session, with over two million questions submitted from Russian citizens.
This year’s event is Putin’s 16th Q&A.
One question Putin received referenced the new cold war between East and West, and whether this could lead to a hot World War 3.
Putin noted that such a scenario would be “an end of civilization” event, and awareness of this should be enough to restrain international powers from engaging in global conflict.

The Ghost of Herut: Albert Einstein on Israel, 70 Years Ago

Albert Einstein, along with other Jewish luminaries, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter in the New York Times on December 4, 1948. That was only a few months after Israel had declared its independence and as hundreds of Palestinian villages were being actively demolished after their inhabitants were expelled.
The letter denounced Israel’s newly-founded Herut party and its young leader, Menachem Begin.

Albert Einstein, We Need Your Voice Today!

“The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our ways of thinking, and thus we drift towards unparalleled catastrophes.” “I don’t know what will be used in the next world war, but the 4th will be fought with stones.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Besides being one of the greatest physicists of all time, Albert Einstein was a lifelong pacifist,[Read More...]