Alan Greenspan

Paul Volcker’s Long Shadow

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan called Paul Volcker “the most effective chairman in the history of the Federal Reserve.” But while Volcker, who passed away Dec. 8 at age 92, probably did have the greatest historical impact of any Fed chairman, his legacy is, at best, controversial. “He restored credibility to the Federal Reserve at […]

Spéculateurs de la faim : comment les denrées alimentaires sont devenues des produits financiers

Les trois hommes responsables de la dérégulation du marché des matières premières en 1999 : Robert Rubin, alors secrétaire au trésor (devenu co-président de Goldman Sachs), Alan Greenspan, président de la réserve fédérale, et Larry Summers, successeur de Rubin au trésor (devenu président de l’université de Harvard puis conseiller de Barack Obama)

Hillary Remains Clueless About Regulation on the 28th Anniversary of the Keating Five Meeting

By William K. Black | New Economic Perspectives | April 9, 2015 The Clintons’ Unlearned Lessons of the Keating Five Meeting On April 9, 1987, twenty-eight years ago today, my colleagues and I from the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco (FHLBSF) met with five senators at the behest of the most notorious savings and […]

The Republican War Against Social Security

Most Americans have supported Social Security ever since it was enacted into law in 1935.  Republican presidential nominee, Alf Landon, made the repeal of Social Security the main issue in the 1936 election, thus making the election a referendum on whether the American people wanted to keep or repeal Social Security.  The response of the electorate was a massive vote in favor of keeping Social Security.

Flashback: Alan Greenspan didn’t say the Federal Reserve was above the law

One of the misconceptions bandied about in the alternative media is that Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan claimed in 2007 that the Fed was above the law, as this popular video indicates. Here’s what he actually said: “The Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency […]